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2i3T Incubator of the UniTO University Workshop

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  • 2i3T Incubator of the UniTO University Workshop
  • Par BiotechTunisia Project
  • University of Torino UniTo - Italy
  • 01-Feb-2024 - 22-Jan-2025

2i3T Incubator of the University UniTo shared in 02/02/2024 experience in Knowledge Transfer in the framework of the Erasmus+ project Biotech Tunisia lead by Università degli Studi di Torino
The #TechnologyTransfer day started with Prof. Angelo Bifone from the patent commission of Università degli Studi di Torino who described how Intellectual Property is managed in Unito.
Giuseppe Serrao presented 2i3T activities, then we shared some experiences, specifically the education activities which involve the young generations: Elena Deambrogio from Città di Torino and Claudia Pescitelli from 2i3T illustrated the high schools entrepreneurship education programs implemented together with CTE NEXT.
To follow, Mariafebronia Sciacca from 2i3T and Tatiana Manfredi from the UniTo Brevetti Office shared the case study of a Research & Entrepreneurship class to support researchers, while right after Paolo Michieli CEO of Euremab shared his experience about the transitioning from academic research to a successful business.
Last but not least, Valentina Fonsato from Officina Farmaceutica "Università degli studi di Torino" talked about regenerative medicine and career perspectives for a biotechnologist in the stem cell field.
Thank you everybody: it's been a real pleasure for us to take part in such an impactful project!